Helen Alvaré Honored at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Helen Alvaré standing with hands together
Professor Helen Alvaré has taught at Scalia Law for over 20 years. She is beloved by students and well-respected by colleagues. On February 8th, 2024, the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast honored Professor Alvaré with its annual Christifideles Laici Award. 
In the lead up to the event, the National Catholic Register did an in-depth story on Professor Alvaré’s life, work, and faith. The profile covers Professor Alvaré’s early career with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (“USCCB”) and her move to academia when she took a position at Scalia Law. The story also touches on Professor Alvaré’s early commitment to service, her scholarship, the brief she filed in Dobbs, and how the political backlash to Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health impacted her. Throughout, the story weaves in how Professor Alvaré confounds expectations “about how pro-life women should dress, speak or behave.” In keeping with Scalia Law’s commitment to civil discourse, the article mentions how Theresa Notare has “singled out [Professor Alvaré’s] ability to diffuse political polarization.”
The full story is available here

Published 02/06/2024