Sabrina Huffman

Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management

BS, University of Louisville; JD, Wake Forest University School of Law

Contact Information

  • Email:
  • Phone: 703-993-8010
  • Office: Room 159, Hazel Hall, Arlington
  • Address:
    Antonin Scalia Law School
    George Mason University
    3301 Fairfax Dr.
    Arlington, VA 22201

Biographical Sketch

A graduate of the University of Louisville (BS) and Wake Forest School of Law (JD), Sabrina Huffman took her student experience with Wake’s admissions office and went directly into law admissions upon graduation. She has held positions as the Assistant Director of Admissions at Texas Tech University School of Law and most recently as the Assistant Director of Admissions at USC Gould School of Law. Prior to entering law school, Sabrina worked at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Kentucky, Dinsmore & Shohl, and the Football Office of the University of Louisville. Sabrina has extensive experience in admissions, communications, social media, and recruiting.