Scalia Law School students and graduates have a long and well-deserved reputation for being hard workers with team-player attitudes. The overwhelming majority of students—full and part-time students alike—works in some capacity during the school year and/or participates in one or more of the law school’s field programs or cocurricular activities. Students are allowed to and routinely do toggle back and forth between full- and part-time academic programs to accommodate evolving employment opportunities. A strong work ethic combined with the law school’s location in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area—a market unparalleled for those holding a JD—has led Scalia Law students and graduates to a wealth of legal, policy, and business opportunities.
Scalia Law has always provided employment data to admitted and current students on the web page, via the ABA, during presentations at our open houses and mandatory career orientation sessions, and one-on-one. We encourage all who have questions regarding law student or graduate employment to attend our career events or contact a career counselor in the Career and Academic Services at 703-993-8020 or
Below you will find detailed employment data for recent classes, including salary information, that was submitted to the ABA and the National Association of Law Placement (NALP).* Per Interpretation 509-2 of Standard 509, law schools may choose to publicize additional employment outcome data beyond what the Employment Protocols require. This additional data, per Standard 509, must be “complete, accurate, and not misleading to a reasonable law school student or applicant.” Law schools are expected to use “due diligence in obtaining and verifying such information.” The following additional employment outcome data has not been, and will not be, audited by the ABA. It is meant to supplement the annual ABA Employment Summary Report, which reflects the employment status of members of each graduating class as of the annual Graduate Employment Status Date of March 15. Please reference the 3 years of employment outcome data posted on the ABA Required Disclosures webpage of each ABA-Approved Law School or at ABA Required Disclosures.
*Employment information is based on data from surveys received for every graduate and from follow-up contact conducted by the Career and Academic Services Office from graduation through the following March. Every graduate is required to fill out a survey as a condition of graduation, and Scalia Law School provides employment data to NALP, the ABA, and U.S. News. For a review of national law graduate employment data, visit NALP Research & Statistics. Clerkships counted in the clerkship category figure reflect clerkships beginning in the nine months following graduation. Increasing numbers of graduates apply for clerkships in the first one to three years following graduation. For a full listing of clerkships obtained by Scalia Law School students and alumni, visit Judicial Clerkship.
Reportable salary information does not include bonuses, part-time salaries, or other non-traditional compensation packages, and some graduate choose not to disclose their salaries. The Career and Academic Services Office does collect information pertaining to bonuses, part-time and hourly wages, and benefit packages. If you would like to know more, please contact 703-993-8020.