George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School (“ASLS”) adopts in full the guidelines set forth in NALP’s Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process. The school and its representatives will act in a reasonable, ethical way throughout the recruitment process, and we expect our students and the employers recruiting our students to do the same.
To that end, we encourage employers, per the Principles, to ensure all involved in recruiting are treated fairly. ASLS adopts the following standard in light of that charge:
General Recruiting Policies
All employers recruiting ASLS students should apply policies fairly and equally across the board. Therefore, we expect ASLS candidates to receive the same timelines and deadlines as candidates from other law schools.
ASLS does not restrict contact prior to the formal OCI process for 2L summer employment. If an employer extends an offer prior to the start of our On-Campus Interviews (“OCI”), we request the employer provide the student sufficient time to participate in the OCI process before requiring acceptance of the offer if the student has remained in active contact with the employer. We expect the offer will not be held open any longer than 28 days from the start of OCI and students holding outstanding offers will be asked to reaffirm their interest within 14 days of the start of OCI.
Equal Opportunity Policy
George Mason University is an equal opportunity institution committed to the principle that access to employment opportunities afforded by the university, including all benefits and privileges, be accorded to each student on the basis of merit, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, sex, or age (except where sex or age is a bona fide occupational qualification).
ASLS welcomes military recruiters to campus pursuant to state and federal law (Va. Code Ann. § 23-2.1:1, Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-3804, and 10 U.S.C. § 983).
By utilizing placement facilities and services of ASLS, employers are providing assurances of their willingness to observe the principles of equal opportunity stated above. If students or alumni believe that an employer is violating this policy, please notify the Law School immediately.