JD Entering Class Profile
- 116 JD students from 32 states, Washington, D.C., and 85 colleges and universities
- 71% from outside Virginia
- Median LSAT: 168
- Median UGPA: 3.92, up from 3.89 last year
- 31% diversity
- 14.63% selectivity
- Average age: 24
Eleven first-year students have earned master’s degrees or PhDs.
Our incoming class includes three Eagle Scouts, ten students born in a different country, and speakers of over twenty languages.
Scalia Law also welcomed 22 transfer students from 13 different law schools.
Graduate Entering Class Profile
- 124 Graduate students, up from 103 last year
- 29 Juris Masters students
- 30 Flex-LLM students
- 27 Online LLM students
- 38 Residential LLM students
Our incoming graduate class includes students from Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Bangladesh, Barbados, Venezuela, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Moldova, South Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Spain, Turkey, Uganda, and Vietnam.