Law & Economics Center Sponsors 14th Annual Manne Faculty Forum

D. Kochan, J.S. Dillbary, C. Cecot
L to R: Donald J. Kochan, J. Shahar Dillbary, Caroline Cecot

On Friday, August 23, 2024 Scalia Law School hosted its 14th Annual Manne Faculty Forum. The annual event is sponsored by the Law & Economics Center (LEC), which is currently celebrating 50 years since its founding in 1974.

The Manne Forum allows junior Scalia Law faculty a unique opportunity to workshop their latest works in progress with two official commentators, one scholar invited from another University, and one scholar from within the Scalia Law community. A roundtable of additional discussants is also gathered from the Scalia Law faculty to participate in the Forum. The authors use the comments they receive to refine their research and improve their papers before submitting them for publication. The Manne Forum is named in honor of Henry G. Manne, the founder of the LEC in 1974 and the Dean at Scalia Law from 1986-1997.

This year’s Manne Forum featured one paper from Yijia Lu, titled Searching for the Appropriate Judicial Interest Rate: Theory and Experimental Evidence. The official commentators were Daniel Rubinfeld, Professor of Law, New York University School of Law, and Todd J. Zywicki, the George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School.

The other paper at this year’s Manne Forum was written by Erin E. Meyers and was titled The Arrest Penalty: Empirical Evidence on Job Discharge Following Arrest. The official commentators for Professor Meyers’ paper were Issa Kohler-Hausmann, Professor of Law and Associate Professor of Sociology, Yale Law School, and Craig Lerner, Professor of Law, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School.

More than a dozen Scalia Law faculty members joined as discussants.

Published 09/03/2024