Response to ‘Pervasive Sequence Patents Cover the Entire Human Genome’

  • Author(s): Shine Tu, Christopher M. Holman, Adam Mossoff, Ted M. Sichelman, Michael Risch, Jorge L. Contreras, Yaniv Heled, Gregory Dolin, Lee Petherbridge
  • Posted: 3-2014
  • Law & Economics #: 14-07
  • Availability: Full text (most recent) on SSRN


In a widely reported article by Jeffrey Rosenfeld and Christopher Mason published in Genome Medicine, significant misstatements were made, because the authors did not sufficiently review the claims – which define the legal scope of a patent – in the patents they analyzed. Specifically, the authors do not provide an adequate basis for their assertion that 41% of the genes in the human genome have been claimed.