Free Online Legal Information - Popular Resources
- Case Law Access Project (Harvard Law) Provides access to all U.S. official published case law from 1658 to June 2018.
- FindLaw for Legal Professionals (Thomson Reuters) Includes case law, case summaries, statutes, legal search engine, legal news, RSS court updates, and practice information.
- Government Publishing Office (Govinfo) Access to official Federal Government publications, including authenticated PDF documents.
- Guide to Law Online (Law Library of Congress) Annotated Portal containing selected links to United States, Foreign, and International law resources, many offering primary, full-text legal materials.
- Justia Includes case law, statutes, regulations, articles, opinion summaries (newsletter), and limited access to Federal District Court dockets.
- Law Guru Free legal advice forum with a network of more than 8,000 specialized attorneys in all legal areas
- Law Stack Exchange Question-and-answer forum for legal professionals, students, and others with an interest in law
- Legal Information Institute (LII) (Cornell University Law School) Provides primary legal materials, legal encyclopedia, and the Supreme Court Bulletin.
- Online Legal Information Resources Locate free online primary legal materials for all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, U.S. Federal Government, and Canada.
- PublicLegal by Internet Legal Research Group Categorized index of select legal websites, thousands of legal forms, and helpful legal resources and documents
Search Engines
These sources limit Web-searching to law-specific resources.
- Google Scholar Search Federal and State legal opinions and journals.
- Legal Web Search (Justia) ( Justia > Govinfo (1994-) Authenticated PDFs. Note that official Code is print edition published by the Government Printing Office.
- LII Current and newly codified (preliminary release) legislation. Browse or search by citation. Links to part of Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for which statute provides rule making authority.
- Office of Law Revision Council (U.S. House of Representatives) Prepares and publishes U.S. Code, provides searchable code (1988-), preliminary release Code, and tables.
- Legislative Information
- American Memory: A Century of Law Making for a New Nation (Library of Congress)
- Congressional Bills (House 1799-1873, Senate 1819-1873)
- Congressional Committee Reports (U.S. Serial Set 1833-1917)
- Congressional Debates (1789-1877)
- (Library of Congress, replacement for Thomas)
- Congressional Bills (1973-)
- Congressional Committee Reports (1995-)
- Congressional Debates (1995-)
- Congressional Bills (1993-)
- Congressional Hearings (1985-)
- Congressional Committee Reports (1995-)
- Congressional Debates (1994-)
- Govinfo (Official, Authenticated Documents)
- American Memory: A Century of Law Making for a New Nation (Library of Congress)
- Case Law
- U.S. Courts
- U.S. Supreme Court (PDFs of U.S. Reports 1991-, slip ops 2008-)
- Browse documents by Term or search “All Documents or “Docket Files.”
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (links to court websites, coverage varies)
- U.S. District Courts (links to court websites, coverage varies)
- U.S. Supreme Court (PDFs of U.S. Reports 1991-, slip ops 2008-)
- Findlaw (Cases & Codes > Select Court)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1893-)
- Search by citation, party name, or full-text
- Browse cases by year (2005-)
- May use Boolean and proximity operators, and wildcards
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (1995-, First Circuit 2/1984-, Ninth Circuit 11/1994-)
- Search full text, by party name, or docket number
- Browse recent decisions
- Govinfo
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (coverage varies)
- U.S. District Courts (coverage varies)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1893-)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1759-)
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (1950-)
- Provides access to all U.S. official published case law from 1658 to June 2018.
- Search a comprehensive collection of United States case law
- Free public access to published U.S. court opinions, statutes, and legal resources
- Google Scholar (Legal Documents > Search all or selected Federal Courts)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1791-)
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (1923-)
- U.S. District Courts (1923-)
- Justia (Laws: Cases & Codes > Browse by Volume or Year (Sup. Ct. 1959-).
- U.S. Supreme Court (1791-)
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (1951-)
- U.S. District Courts (coverage varies) Decisions and Orders by State/District
- Legal Information Institute (LII) (Legal Resources > Federal Law > Judicial Branch)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1991-, historic decisions) Search by keyword, browse by topic, author, or party.
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (links to court websites)
- Case Law Access Project (Harvard Law)
- Open Jurist
- U.S. Courts
- United States Supreme Court Briefs, Oral Arguments, and Other Information
- Term Archives PDFs of argument transcripts, opinions (links to Bloomberg Law), dockets (links to the Supreme Court website), aggregated blog commentary by case (Oct. 2007 Term-).
- Petitions Tracks select petitions, links to docket information and lower court opinions (links to Bloomberg Law).
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Dockets (current and prior terms)
- Argument Transcripts (Oct. 2000 Term-)
- Argument Audio (Oct. 2010 Term-)
- Briefs
- American Bar Association
- Merits Briefs (2005 to 2016)
- Find Law: U.S. Supreme Court Center
- Scanned Briefs (Oct. 1999-2007 terms)
- Dockets 1999-2009
- Case Index by Topic
- LII Supreme Court Bulletin Journal covering cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oyez (Chicago-Kent College of Law) Oral Argument Audio (1981-).
- SCOTUSBlog (sponsored by Bloomberg Law) provides extensive coverage of cases before the U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Court of Appeals Oral Arguments
- Court Listener Audio of Circuit Court oral arguments. Coverage varies.
- U.S. District Court Case Records
- Justia (U.S. Law > U.S. Federal Law > U.S. Federal Court Dockets & Case Filings) Coverage varies, may only include docket sheet (2004-)
- RECAP The Law Provides instructions to access donated District and Bankruptcy Court documents from PACER (Coverage incomplete, varies).
- Finding Citing Cases
- Findlaw From case display, select “cases citing this case”
- Google Scholar From case display, select “how cited”
- Administrative Law: Consult individual websites for agency-specific rules, regulations, decisions, and other resources.
- Links to Federal Agencies
- A-Z list of U.S. federal government departments and agencies, with
- Regulations
- Govinfo (Official, 1994-) Browse by date and agency, PDFs.
- Office of the Federal Register Browse current issue, links to Federal Register content on Govinfo.
- Search regulations by keyword, title or Regulation Identifier Number, filter searches by agency, document type, comment period, or category. Find and post comments on proposed regulations.
- Federal Register
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Govinfo (official, 1996-) Browse by year and Title, PDFs.
- e-CFR (unofficial) Current edition, updated daily. Browse by Title, search by keyword. Content should be verified against official version when available on Govinfo.
- Legal Information Institute (LII) (unofficial) Browse by title, search by keyword. Includes Parallel Table of Authorities showing agency regulatory authorization. Content in database refreshed weekly.
- Presidential Resources
- The White House: Presidential Actions Includes Executive Orders, Presidential Memorandum, and Proclamations (January 2009- ).
- National Archives
- Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders Prepared by the Office of the Federal Register, includes proclamations and Executive orders with “general applicability and continuing effect” (April 13, 1945- January 20, 1989).
- Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index (January 8, 1937-May 1, 2012) Includes subject index by president.
- Public Papers of the Presidents (1981- (Ronald Reagan-)) Official series including presidential writings, addresses, and public remarks, organized chronologically.
- Govinfo
- Compilation of Presidential Documents (1993- ) Official documents released by the White House Press Secretary, includes weekly and daily editions.
- Public Papers of the Presidents (1991- (George H.W. Bush -)) Official series including presidential writings, addresses, and public remarks, organized chronologically.
- Links to Federal Agencies
State Law
Please also consult the library’s Virginia Legal Materials Research Guide for information about free Virginia resources.
- Primary State Materials (Constitutions, Statutes, Cases)
- FindLaw: State Resources Includes state constitutions, codes, bills, court opinions, and administrative codes. Coverage varies by state.
- Google Scholar Provides state supreme court and appellate decisions (1950-). Use “advanced search” to restrict to specific state courts.
- Justia: U.S. States Includes state constitutions, cases, and links to legislative resources. Coverage varies by state.
- Sites Providing Links to State-Sponsored Websites
- LII: Collection of State Legal Materials Access to state constitutions, statutes, regulations, and judicial opinions.
- National Association of Secretaries of State: Administrative Rules Online by State Provides links to state administrative registers, codes, and manuals.
- National Center for State Courts Provides links state court websites.
- National Conference of State Legislatures: Internet Links Provides links for state legislative materials.
- State Legislatures, State Laws, and State Regulations: Website Links and Telephone Numbers Compiled by the Law Library’s Society of Washington (LLSDC).
- Congress.Gov: State Legislatures and WebsitesProvides a map linking to state legislative sites.
International and Foreign Law
- FindLaw: International Resources Links include primary legal materials, databases, statistics, and international organizations.
- Globalex(NYU School of Law) Provides International and Comparative Law guides and articles by subject.
- Guide To Law Online
- LII: Law by Source (Global) Links to sites with primary International and Foreign sources, including international organizations, national government and other legal information. Coverage varies by country.
- Yale Law Library: Country by Country Guide to Foreign Law Resources Links to both free and fee-based resources.
- World Legal Information Institute Databases and catalog to over 15,000 law-related websites in every country of the world.
Journal Articles
- ABA Legal Technology Resource Center/Law Technology Today Search more than 400 online full-text journal/law reviews and related sources, including Congressional Research Service Reports. Coverage varies.
- Find It! Article Finder A Library of Congress tool to help you locate the full-text of an article by providing citation information.
- Google Scholar Limits Google search to academic journal articles, conference papers, dissertations, theses, indexes articles and abstracts from major academic publishers. Coverage and access to full-text varies.
- Law Review Commons A resource provided by Bepress, browse and search law journal articles made available by institutions through their Bepress Digital Commons repositories.
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Widely used by scholars to share papers and articles in several topical networks. Legal Scholarship Network includes over 130,000 papers searchable by keyword, title, author or date.
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
- Findlaw Legal Dictionary
- Law.Com Dictionary
- Nolo’s Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions
- Nolo’s Free Legal Encyclopedia
- Wex Legal Dictionary and Encyclopedia (LII)
Legal News and Blogs
- ABA Journal Magazine of the American Bar Association.
- ABA Journal Blawg Directory Lists regularly updated law blogs by topic. Annual ranking of the “Top 100 Blawgs.”
- Findlaw: Legal Pulse Legal headlines and topical updates.
- Jurist U.S. and World Legal News.
- Justia Blawg Search Find blogs on numerous legal topics.
- National Law Journal/Legal Times (Online Editions) Registration required to access all free content.
- Law Street Media Fastcase’s legal news by industry. Readers can track litigation, companies, and firms within industry sectors.
- LexisNexis Communities Legal news, blogs, and podcasts for select practice areas.
- Subscript Law Visual reports of Supreme Court decisions and other legal news using infographics
Research Guides
There are numerous topical online legal research guides, many written by librarians at university and public law libraries. In addition to George Mason Law Library Research Guides, other recommended sources for research guides include:
- Emory Law Library Includes links to free electronic resources related to secondary sources, foreign law sources, and U.S. federal, state, and local primary sources
- Georgetown Law Library A large number of legal research guides and treatise finder.
- Harvard Law Library A large number of legal research guides and legal web search available.
- Information, overviews, definitions, and links for more than 260 legal practice areas.
- Judicial Learning Center Helpful basic information on the role, organization, and operation of federal courts.
- Law Library of Congress: Guide to Law Online Includes links to resources on U.S., Foreign, and International Law.
- LLRX Web journal with guides covering Internet research and technology.
- Zimmerman’s Research Guide (LexisNexis) Online encyclopedia and collection of research guides.
Low Cost Mobile Apps & Databases
The services listed below offer a variety of plans that provide enhanced searching for primary legal materials, although fewer search features than premium legal databases. In addition, while these products offer citators, however the updating features are not equivalent to Shepards, Keycite, or BCite.
- Casetext
- Federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, and rules with annotated codified law, advanced citator, and free customer support
- All-inclusive monthly price per month starting at $65
- Casemaker
- Federal and state cases and statutes, citator
- Monthly and annual subscriptions available, fees based on state bar membership (free with some state bar memberships---not D.C., Maryland, or Virginia).
- Courtroom5
- Detailed guidance for pro se litigants on how to represent yourself in court.
- Monthly membership fee of $49/month includes end-to-end legal case management toolbox.
- Courtroom Objections (Mobile App)
- A quick guide to making and responding to courtroom objections, including lists of common objections and responses.
- App price is $2.99 with family-sharing option available for up to six (6) people.
- Fastcase
- Federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and bar publications. Also includes a free mobile app.
- “Authority Check” citator: identifies citing cases, flags cases that have been reversed or overruled. Note this is done with computer analytics so it is not equivalent to the human editing provided by Westlaw, Lexis, or Bloomberg law).
- Free access for Virginia Bar members, limited/reduced fee access for D.C. and Maryland Bar Members.
- Law Stack (Mobile App)
- Current, downloadable statutes, regulations, and rules.
- Subscription options range from free access to paid packages.
- Legal Dictionary (Mobile App)
- Search 58,000+ cases and legal terms from top sources, including West’s Encyclopedia of American Law.
- Free download, option to add in-app purchases.
- Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER)
- Operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, provides access to Federal Appellate, District, and Bankruptcy Court case and docket information.
- Charges $0.10 per page retrieved, $3.00 cap per document. Quarterly charges of less than $15.00 are waived.
- Rule Book (Mobile App)
- Exclusive mobile publishing platform for the Bluebook and other leading legal publishers. Included Federal Rules of Evidence, U.S. Constitution, and more.
- Free download with option to add in-app purchases.
Last updated June 29, 2023